Dreams are free

Dreams are free. Goals have a cost. While you can daydream for free, goals don’t come without a price. Time, Effort, Sacrifice, and Sweat. How will you pay for your goals?

dreams are free usain bolt

Photo from Wikipedia

Usain Bolt

What did you dream of as a child? Was it to follow a particular career? Live in a particular place? Visit a certain country?

I remember at one point wanting to be a teacher. I used to set my teddies up in rows and read to them, pretending to teach them to read. At another stage I wanted to be a police officer. I don’t remember playing this one out, although when I was really little I did play ‘cops & robbers’ with friends who lived nearby, mimicking some of the TV shows of the time.

As I got older I think I dreamt less. I’ve no idea if this was drilled out of me, or whether the education pattern at the time was to move you from one stage to the next, without room for dreams. I did go to school with some people who were very clear about their passion for medicine, or music, and they followed their dreams after school.

I do remember the computer print out from the careers service though. Did you have that too? My top job (matching my interests and other information which was entered into the basic system), was a Prison Officer. The funny thing was though, that most of the class had this in their top 5 careers! I’m not sure any of us felt this was our calling! 😉

It’s only now age 48, that I tell my teenage sons that I’m now doing what feels right for me. It’s taken a long time to get here, but it feels like home. I am teaching people, but not through the formal education system. I also help people and support people to be themselves and follow their dreams. My focus is on teaching people to listen better – to themselves, to their family and friends, to work colleagues and team members and the environment in which they live.

How do you dream?

Some people dream in their sleep and remember the vivid pictures of the stories their brain was telling them. Others don’t see anything in their sleep, or remember the story. Some people spend time meditating each day, and in the stillness allow their minds to wander and this brings up pictures and ideas for them.

I believe allowing yourself to dream is the first step to a happy fulfilled life. Dreaming is a “window into our unconscious” [Sigmund Freud]. And what is our unconscious mind but the very core of ourself? Some people say this is the “true self” or your soul talking to you.

When you listen to yourself you hear the dreams which may have been hiding, or been squashed by circumstances.

  1. Ensure you have technology free time each day and allow yourself time by yourself.

We all know that it’s important to have time away from screens, whatever age we are. It’s even more important for children and young people as they need time to allow their brains to develop their own ideas and dreams.

If we don’t allow young people the space to dream, how will they learn what’s right for them?

2. Don’t be distracted by other people and their dreams and goals.

It’s lovely to hear about your friends dreams and goals for their life. However it’s just that – their life. You can still be friends and support each other even if you have very different dreams and goals. You may be interested in their ideas and explore some of the journey with them. Just remember, they are not you. Don’t get distracted from being you and listening to your own dreams.

If you’re always following someone else’s path, how will you find your own?

3. Use a journal to make a note of your thoughts and experiences.

Writing in a journal – regularly, or when you feel like you’ve something you want to capture – can be helpful to find the recurring themes in your life. As a child I liked to write my thoughts in a diary, but I stopped. I’ve no idea why. It was only when I started writing again that I found I was allowing myself to be me.

If you don’t express your thoughts and feelings to yourself, how will you discover what you love and what makes you sad?

Dreams v Vision

I’m not sure what you think the difference is between a dream for your future and your vision for the future, but I think it’s to do with what Usain Bolt is saying in his quote, “Dreams are free. Goals have a cost. While you can daydream for free, goals don’t come without a price. Time, Effort, Sacrifice, and Sweat. How will you pay for your goals?”.

You may dream of a way of life, but a vision for your future is something which you’re aiming for – a goal to achieve. In the sporting example, you may dream of being Olympic Champion one day, but unless you commit to the vision of this and put in the effort to achieve your dream it’s never going to happen.

You may work very visually, so having pictures of your dreams will actually create a vision board. By committing your dreams to a piece of paper, or an image on your phone, or a poster on your wall you’re committing to your vision for your future. If you don’t commit in some way, your dreams will always be dreams.

Whatever you dream, only you can achieve it

We all dream different things. We’re all created with different skills and talents. But only you can bring your skill to life in the way that you dream of. No-one knows what you’re dreaming so you’re always right. Don’t let anyone squash your dreams. They are yours and only you can achieve them with your skills and talents.

You may come across other people with similar dreams, or similar skills and talents to you. However the combination of you being you with your dreams will be different from the other person. You’re both unique. What if you both worked together on your project? Would you achieve more? (When writing this sentence I’m thinking of those with scientific brains who dream of curing disease).

Yes you need support, and the right type of support to nurture your skills, talents and progress through life. But only you can dream your dreams. Only you can listen to yourself and know what’s right for you.

You are good enough. Just as you are. Keep dreaming and being you.

What are your dreams? Please do let me know, below or by email. If you’d like help exploring your dreams, book a complimentary Explore Call.

Anyone else not set any goals yet?

sit breathe relax and enjoyI feel like I’m the only person around here who has not set any goals yet for 2017. Am I correct? Or is everyone else how hasn’t set any goals for 2017 keeping quiet too?

Health and fitness goals

I’ve got my general health and fitness ideals I’ve stuck to since January 1st. However, I’ve not set any specific goals like I did last year. I don’t feel like I need goals as such to work towards. I have my big “why I want to stay fit and healthy“, and live a long and healthy life. Is that enough to see me through this year?

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Jim Rohn

Business goals

I have a few different businesses, and business interests. Is it surprising I haven’t set any specific goals in this area either? Again, I have my long term vision for each business, and my daily tasks are all part of the long view.

“Goals are like magnets. They’ll attract the things that make them come true.” Tony Robbins

Personal goals

I’ve already started doing different things this year, like our family outing to the Ice Hockey. I don’t have a list of things though I’d like to do this year. It’s more a sense of working differently, so I have clearer times for work, and when I’m not working, I’m either with the family, or doing the things I want to do. No specific goals, just a desire to do things differently. Am I missing something?

“You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.” C.S.Lewis

What are goals anyway?

OK, so now I’m putting things down in writing, I think I do have goals, but they’re long term, or life, goals. Over the past few months I’ve got much better at being clearer about what I want from life, and how I’m going to achieve it. Maybe this is something I should explore with my coach when I meet her next week.

“You must do the thing which you think that you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Am I being too dreamy? Too distant from reality? Not being specific enough? Or am I just being lazy?
I’ve found a post which supports me in not setting goals, (just now) by Mindset Metaphors. So, I’m not alone in my feeling that setting goals isn’t quite right just yet. Some of my colleagues will say it’s because there’s been a “Mercury Retrograde“, (yes, planetary stuff!), that we haven’t been able to set our goals, or think about decision making.
Whatever the reasons, I’m sharing this, that I’m really comfortable with not having set any goals yet for 2017. I don’t want you thinking that it’s a ‘must do’ or else the year is a write off already. In the words of Chris Gardner, “Start where you are”. Be yourself, and allow yourself the space to be with your thoughts and dreams. The specific goals will come when they’re fully formed.
Anyone else not got any goals set yet?
It hits you when you least expect it

It hits you when you least expect it

Today would have been my Mum’s 70th birthday, had she been alive.

Mum June 2008 - a year before she died

Mum June 2008 – a year before she died

Surprisingly, I’ve been OK today. It was last week that it hit me that we were reaching a landmark birthday, and not celebrating it with her, here, with us. I guess it’s also as my birthday is a few days before hers, that I’m reminded that my Mum wouldn’t be wishing me a Happy Birthday in person.

Why do things hit us when we least expect them to? It can be anything, not just those we miss, can’t it? Sometimes children or friends do things which tug at our heart strings and we ‘go to pieces’ don’t we?

This day last year I wrote about life being too short, whatever age people live to. I then went quiet on you for about 9 months! I found 2013 tough. Really tough. Not just the bereavement of a close friend, or the heartache loved ones had caused us, but just the general, everyday stuff. I was struggling to keep going through my life, and really couldn’t share the experiences with anyone else apart from my family and close friends.

It does help though. To share. And to cry. To just say, “Yep, today is tough, but I’m going to get through it”, or “I really miss x, but they wouldn’t want me to be sad”. Little steps are better than no steps at all, aren’t they?

So, whilst I’m sorry we aren’t celebrating as a family group, Mum’s 70th birthday, I know that like me, many friends are thinking about her today, and all she brought to us in her 65 years she was on this earth. I still love you as much as ever Mum.

I don’t know why ‘it’ does it, but I’m sure it does us good.

Getting Organised in 2012

Leslie Anne is back talking about her mission to be super organised in 2012.

I’m on a constant mission to be one of those super organised people – every year I get a little closer! Last year, I discovered three essential organisational tools that I couldn’t live without now. Maybe they’ll help you too?