Are you so busy you’re not seeing what’s obvious

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Anonymous

spend time thinking in your businessSometimes we’re so busy doing things, we can’t see what’s in front of our nose. Just like when we’re rushing to get out of the door and you’ve forgotten to pick something up, and then you can’t find it. Someone else comes in and asks what you’re looking for, and they spot it straight away – it’s where you’re standing but you were trying too hard and you just “couldn’t see it for looking”.Whilst you may be very focused to get things done, achieved, and actioned to hit your targets for the end of the year, it’s still worth spending some quiet time each day to allow your brain some space to work things out for itself. The commitment the Kick Start Challengers had in September to 20 minutes a day focused on their business gave them great clarity and helped them plan the next few weeks of their business growth.

One of my clients is following the Artists Way programme at the moment. Even after a few days of spending a few minutes each day letting her mind wander, and her hands explore, she’s finding her mind clearer, and more able to work out the priorities in her business.

Another client who completed the Find your Why session last week has been set a task to simply let her imagination wander this week. We’ve agreed the topic for this, and just the act of letting your mind imagine and wander around different options and opportunities is liberating. Sometimes you’ll find there’s nothing you can do about a situation.

Whatever works for you is the right thing to do. If you’d like daily prompts for journaling or imagining, let me know, I’m thinking of setting this up, as I know how much that regular support and reminder to take time for you can help. You could be my first tester to see how it helps you. Say £10 a month for a daily email prompt? Would that help you? Contact me as it’s not set up yet & we can start tomorrow if you like?

Don’t forget to allow yourself down time during your week too. You may feel like you’ve got so much to do you can’t possibly stop and take the dog for a walk, or read a book, or have a bath. But once you’ve spent that time, just being you, you’ll realise that you’ve got more energy and excitement to put into getting those things done. I often find I do them better to, or add in an extra twist which is even more beneficial to my clients!

If you’d like help scheduling your week and month to fit everything in you want to do, including “me time”, feel free to book a free Explore call with me.

How do you let your mind wander and explore options and opportunities? Let me know in the comments below.

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