I’m enjoying connecting to others

I simply want to thank you for reading my blog and connecting with me. I’m loving life so much at the moment, and meeting such wonderful people doing amazing things. So thank you for connecting.

I don’t know what it is, whether it’s because I’m sharing things everyday, or if it’s simply because I’m open to new connections, that new ideas and connections and projects are starting to take shape. What do you think?

Connecting to others

people meetingWhen you make a new connection with someone, or deepen a connection you already have, (by that I mean learn more about them, what they do, what their dreams are, that type of thing), it really sends your brain off to a whole new level of thinking doesn’t it?

So far, just this month, I’ve learnt more about people I simply had a connection with, and been able to help them with something I have a skill in that they need. Today is a good example.

I met a lady last summer and we had similar interests and were serving a similar customer with some of our products and services. I knew there was more that could develop between us. We’ve been trying to meet since then, but have both been busy with our projects, and businesses. Today we spent a couple of hours together, really getting to know each other, what our businesses do and how we can support each other, and our clients to grow and develop. We’ve both got things we can share with each other to help progress ideas within our businesses, and we’ve both got another place who is understanding and supporting our goals, and will make further connections within our networks.

Two hours is all it took to deepen our connection, yet we’ve both come away feeling enlightened, and our brains were buzzing with opportunities for our businesses, and projects we’re involved with.

So, as much as I love meeting others and finding new tea and coffee shops, (I found a lovely one yesterday and had chocolate and beetroot cake – it was gorgeous!), it’s the connection with others that I love more. Learning more about the world around me, and how I can support others, or they can support me, with goals and dreams.

So, whilst a lot of my new connections have been online, those friendships are as valuable as the ladies I’ve met today, it’s all part of my learning and development. I can’t grow as a person unless I connect with others, every day. I realise that whilst I was hiding away from the world, I wasn’t growing as a person. Stepping out and making connections is a fun and enjoyable thing to do. Most people I meet want to help and support others. We all have skills to share, and we have to get out there to make those connections.

Do you enjoy connecting to others? Let me know below.


  1. Tracey-Jane I love connecting with others, I really do too and I love that it’s exciting where it could lead these new connection!! So many possibilities aren’t there 🙂

  2. There certainly are. The more people you connect with, the more opportunities that arise 🙂

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